Development of Risk Sensitive Land Use Planning Practice (RSLUP) S05
The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) requested a support program on earthquake risk mitigation. The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) of the World Bank has provided funds to fulfill the following tasks:
- Stage 1: Project Organization, Data Collection, and Situation Analysis
- Stage 2: Development of the internal guidelines and processes for RSLUP to upgrade/reform the current planning system
- Stage 3: Training and Capacity Building for risk-sensitive planning
The services that are provided by VestA as a sub-consultant of Protek-Yapi Engineering Co. are as follows:
- Situation Analysis and Diagnosis
- Geotechnical and Hydrological assessment
- Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk assessment
- Micro-zonation and Exposure analysis
- Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan Strategy
- Urban Expansion Model
- Action plans, Implementation Program, Financial Model