Risk Sensitive & Climate Resilient Land Use Planning For Faizabad City


Faizabad, Afghanistan

Started Date


Consultancy Duration



Protek-Yapı ECC (Turkey), VESTA ECC


Aga Khan Agency for Habitat

Description : Given that Afghanistan is vulnerable to several natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and the impacts of climate change, the lessons learned from these experiences should be applied to more cities and villages. Preparing resilient master plan and zoning development plan are the most important tools for reducing risk, increasing resilience, and promoting sustainable development. With these techniques, city planners can act more rationally to mitigate the effects of natural disasters. Zoning plans are usually prepared with a risk-sensitive approach, but in this plan, in addition, climate resilience is one of the key features. The objective of this study is:

  • Development of the multi-hazard map of city based on detailed hazard (geo, hydro, human) assessment using state of art modelling and scientific proved approaches for the city (Macro level and Micro level at city district level)
  • Multi-hazard vulnerability and risk assessment (as per the hazard) based on modelling and state of the art methodology for the city (Macro level and Micro level at city district level)
  • Risk sensitive land use plan based on Geo hazard (seismic, rapture, rockfall, landslide, etc), Hydro meteorological hazard (flood, drought, rockfall, landslide, urban heat, etc) and human made hazards (fire, biological, etc.) as well as climate change phenomena.
  • Development of zoning plan and regulations.
  • Develop the resilience master plan of the city.