Transportation Master Plan of Osmaniye


Osmaniye, Turkey

Started Date

June 2022

Consultancy Duration

18 months


Protek-Yapı ECC (Turkey)

(Role in the assignment: Sub-Consultant of Protek-Yapi Engineering Co.)


Osmaniye Municipality


The Osmaniye Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a long-term, town-wide plan that will serve as a blueprint for the Town to strategically advance the development of its future transportation network to ensure community prosperity and sustainability in support of the vision to preserve and enhance a quiet, calm, attractive environment for residents, visitors, and future generations. This comprehensive TMP was developed in compliance with the Provincial Policy Statement and Growth Plan, the Osmaniye Municipality Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan, and the Town of Osmaniye Official Plan. The town-wide TMP reflects the community’s aspirations to develop a sustainable transportation system with a strong focus on connectivity and accessibility.

The Opportunity Statement outlines the transportation issues and opportunities the Town faces:

  • Build a multi-modal network for all users by:
    • Focusing on the gaps in the active transportation
    • Prioritizing active transportation connections.
    • Identifying active transportation opportunities to connect natural areas and
    • Promoting design excellence in streetscaping and the public
  • Manage travel demand by:
    • Promoting mixed-use and transit-oriented
  • Prepare for new mobilities and technologies by:
    • Developing policies to encourage new travel options/technologies including tram.
  • Establish a sustainable and resilient transportation system by:
    • Redesigning the corridors to increase traffic safety.
    • Providing more choice for moving people and

Planning Alternatives

Alternative planning solutions were identified, assessed, and evaluated to ultimately select a preferred solution. Through discussions with the Town, four alternative solutions with a combination of investment and policy approaches were further evaluated. These alternatives differ in their focus and are expected to yield distinct outcomes for the transportation system.

1 Do Nothing

  • Current provincial and regional planned transportation improvements


Expand the Road Network

  • Build new roads.
  • Resurface, widen, and urbanize existing roads.


Enhance Active Transportation and Transit

  • Focus on improving active transportation network and transit.


Adopt a Multi-modal Approach

  • Combine Alternatives 2 and 3.

Based upon the recommended planning alternative “Multi-modal Approach”, several alternatives were identified to be carried forward as action items for the Town to establish its transportation policies and also to continue to build its transportation network.  Blow figures show three different potential tram axes which were evaluated according to the highest flows on the transportation network for the future and the most appropriate axis was determined.